Children's Soul Study

In a double-blind study, journalists for Mind Bluff asked thirty-five children to draw a portrait of their souls. The study was informal, the subjects ranging in age from four to ten. The children were asked to depict what they thought their souls looked like, and later the collected images were found to be of similar content. The original drawings were created by using crayon or pencil. An artist has depicted a general sampling of the themes in an air-brushed format below.

souls drawn by children

Possible reasons for the similarities: psychologically, children (and adults) express shapes in customary fashion. Sharp lines signify anger; soft lines depict serenity. Children may imagine the soul graphically in calming, graceful tones (i.e., smooth curves, etc.).

An alternate explanation: children can "see" in psychic realms, alien to adults. Their casual images may reveal the soul's true appearance -- as light-filled membranes or halos.

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