Mind Bluff - Contents
Optical Tricks
Astonishing Optical Illusions -- each one different, unique, and fun.
Genius Teasers
Four Squares Problem
The object is to reposition two -- and only two -- sticks so that you have exactly four squares of equal size and no sticks left over.
Day-of-the-Week Anagram
Which day of the week is an anagram for a common noun? Click here for the answer!
Marble-Weighing Problem
A mensa-level brainteaser. You have 12 marbles. They all weigh the same, except one. You don't know if that one is heavier or lighter. You have a balance scale. You can perform up to a maximum of three weighings to find out which marble has the different weight, and if it is heavier or lighter than the others. Click here for the answer!
Ten Words Test
What do these ten words have in common? Click here for more info.
Fast Questions
Four simple questions designed to stump you.
Speed Panel - Words
Words are flashed across your consciousness: which ones do you detect, and why? Click here to see the panel!
Hand Shadow Illusions
See this stunning display of Hand Shadow Illusions cast upon a wall. Experience the subliminal in the sublime in these natural human art forms!
Mind & Body Fun
Create a Fake Phantom Limb
Experience the uncanny illusion of having an extra limb attached to your body. Two methods in sensory stimulation show how ephemeral your body image is and how easily it can be distorted.
Self-Hypnotic Visual Pattern
Stare at the pattern and make a suggestion. Focus your eyes on the visual rhythm.
Group Mind Experiment
Test your group-telepathy with a random sequence generator. Your goal: mental concordance with other Web surfers.
Reaction Time Test
Simple test. Hit the dots and discover your mental reaction time.
Tip-of-the-Tongue state
Ever felt a word was right on the Tip of Your Tongue, but just couldn't think of it? It's a strange, frustrating experience across cultures - and all over the world. It's an experience that can be artificially induced! Here's how.
Memory Tracer
Use this technique to see if you can recall the color of your crib when you were six months old. The results may surprise you!
An Odd Tactile Illusion
All you need are lips and a pencil. Click to experience this strange sensation.
Is Your Hand Elastic?
Any Yoga expert will tell you that mind and body form a connection. Let's start with your hand. How flexible are your digits? Quick mobility test!
Left vs. Right Brain
State the color of each word you see. This appears to be a simple task, but it's deceptive. Your left brain struggles with your right!
Speed Reading Tests
Reading Test - 372 words
Short humor by Samuel Clemens.
Reading Test - 369 words
Short humor by Anonymous.
Reading Test - 259 words
Short humor by Stephen Leacock.
Reading Test - 1889 words
FDR's inaugural address.
Comics & Graphics
Future Odds & Ends
Click here to see the shape of tomorrow in whimsical form.
When Words Collide
Words can be deceptive and illusory -- especially in the guise of puns. Enter a landscape of double meanings.
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Ball in a Labyrinth
You'll laugh when you see this game. It's a flash "alter ego" of the old tilting-ball-thing you played as a child.
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