Chess Problems for Lateral Thinkers

What can EVERY piece do (even the King) -- except this one?

Another Chess Problem for Lateral Thinkers

White to Mate in Two.

Still Another Chess Problem for Lateral Thinkers

What is the MAXIMUM number of pawns (of the same color) that can legally occupy a single vertical column during a game?

Weirdest Chess Problem for Lateral Thinkers

Which chess piece can checkmate (or discover mate) in one "half" of a move? (Two answers are possible.)


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ANSWER: The knight. The knight follows a path along an imaginary hypotenuse of a right triangle, whose mid-point is situated inside an adjacent square. If that adjacent square results in checkmate (or discover mate), then the problem is solved.

"ALTERNATE" ANSWER: The knight. The knight can "hop" over other pieces, in 3-dimensional space, during its movement. Thus it could unblock another piece on the board before it lands, in order to cause a "discover" mate.

NOTE: It seems clear that no other chess piece can make a "hypothetical" half-move, without landing on an edge or corner of an adjacent square.

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