
Search Engine Prediction Game

In response to queries from Web searchers, search engines like Google and Bing produce a sampling of the most frequent search phrases related to the queries in descending order of popularity. (See picture...)
Sample list of phrases which complete search-engine queries when a user types in a search phrase.

The above list was generated from Google's massive user database, reflecting the most frequent search phrases starting with the phrase, "Will I see..."

To enable this feature in your browser, make sure your search engine settings are adjusted to include 'auto-complete.' (In the Chrome browser, your settings should be set to 'Use a prediction service to help complete searches and URLs typed in the address bar.')

The original version of the TV game show Family Feud asked contestants to match their answers to questions asked of 100 members in the studio audience. In this new version of the game, the 'studio audience' consists of millions of search engine inquiries, and is much more extensive.

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DIRECTIONS: To play the Search Engine Prediction Game, enable your search engine settings to auto-complete search queries, based on their popularity. Queries are selected to input into the search field. For each query, you must guess which auto-completed response will be the most popular. After each player's prediction has been made, type in the actual search query to determine the results.

The results will be listed in descending order of popularity, which means that all of the upper phrases will be worth more than the lower phrases. The scores will be based on the number of phrases listed, assigned from highest to lowest. For example, in the listing for 'Will I see' in the picture above, suppose one player predicted 'Will I see you again' and another predicted 'Will I see you in heaven'. The first prediction would score 9 points, the second prediction would score 3. Unlisted predictions would score nothing. (Alternate methods for scoring can also be tried.)

The search engine that is operated in this game lies in the area beneath this text. (Bing has been chosen for use here, because Google won't allow its search engine to be displayed in a frame.)

Suggested search queries are depicted next to the search-engine as yellow rectangular buttons, which can be clicked on to reveal each query. (You can also make up your own queries.)

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This page is not affiliated in any way with Bing.com.

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